Faba beans, also known as broad beans or horse beans, are the edible seeds of the legume plant Vicia faba. 

Fava beans develop in thick, elongated pods, averaging 15 to 25 centimeters in length and 2 to 3 centimeters in diameter. The pods are generally bright green, bumpy, and fibrous with a leathery texture, sometimes covered in a downy coating. Fava bean pods are inedible, and when opened, they reveal a cottony interior encapsulating 2 to 8 large, plump, and flat green beans. The oval, curved beans average 5 to 10 millimeters in diameter and are encased in a white, waxy, and semi-translucent skin. This protective coating is edible but has a fibrous, chewy consistency with a slightly bitter, vegetal flavor. Fava beans have a tender to starchy texture depending on the bean's maturity and develop a soft, buttery feel when cooked. The beans contain sweet, earthy, green, and nutty flavors mixed with a delicate grassy bitterness.
