
Enter the magical world of sun-dried green Indian mango that you powder up into a tangy delicious dust for your mouth, giving a real touch of zing and other very nice things to whatever you happen to be making, today. Made from mango, our mango powder, also called amchur, is like a sort of sparkly natural sprinkling that brings a kind of sourly fruity favoring to help balance stuff out.

Reasons to consider our amchur:

  • Top-Quality: We are carefully selected mangoes for drying under the sun in a uniform way with meticulous care due to their sophisticated flavor.
  • Genuine Taste: Our amchur has an essence and flavor that is true to Indian cuisine is guaranteed to give your dishes that popular final touch, a mellow zest that rings through whatever you put it on. Tech Longevity: In simplicity concerning long storage periods and keeping it beneath your cooking, amchur serves as an excellent preservative.

