
The Magic of Cardamom

Cardamom is the Queen of Spices. Yet, this wonder spice does more than just add flavour to food and beverages. It also has excellent and multiple medicinal properties, is used in perfumes, is chewed as a mouth freshener and makes for a very thoughtful gift.

Graded to your Requirement

‘One size doesn’t fit all’ is true in the case of cardamom as well. Because of their multiple uses and benefits, cardamom pods of different sizes are used in different applications. That is why Emperor Akbar Cardamom is graded by size. However, the grading is never about quality. Whatever the size, quality remains world class.

  • Purple Grade    8mm
  • Pink Grade    7.5mm
  • Green Grade   7mm
  • Orange Grade   6.5mm
  • Red Grade   6mm